Experiential Learning "Active" learning opportunities

Module: Introduction

Introduction to ITM 352

Goals, the three prime directives, texts, prerequisites, what to do next

Module: Web Application Development Tools

Lab: GitHub, VS Code, web pages, web servers, local/global servers

web pages, installing, configuring, and test running a local web server, using a global web server

E0: MIS Portfolio

Create a professional portfolio for yourself

Module: Web Page Basics

Lab: Web Pages and Web Server Basics

Learn details of web servers and web pages, build simple e-comm web page

Web Page Basics

Introduction to user interface design using HTML and CSS and supporting tools.


Develop a web page using basic HTML.


Develop a web page using basic CSS and Google Web Fonts.


Develop a web page using Chrome Developer Tools.

E1: UI Basics Technical Blog

Write a technical blog summarizing your experience doing the UI Basics WODs and your WOD result.

Module: Dynamic Web Pages

Lab: Introducing Client Side Processing using Javascript

Examples of using Javascript to post-process a webpage.

DHTML and Client Side Processing

Introduction to user interface design using HTML and CSS and supporting tools.


A WOD using client side processing with JavaScript to show off the magic of DHTML.

Module: Variables and Data Types

Lab: Data Types and Variables

Learn About Data, Variables, and Simple Expressions

Introducing Data Types and Variables

Introduction to Javascript Data Types and Working With Variables.

SmartPhoneProducts1 with variables

Use variables to display information about Smartphone products

Module: Expressions and Operators

Lab: Expressions and Operators

Learn About Expressions and Operators

Introducing Expressions and Operators

Introduction Expressions, Precedence, Working with Strings.


A WOD using JS expressions to generate a sales receipt.

E3: Preparing for WODs Essay

E3: essay on preparing for WODs

Module: Conditional Expressions and Branching

Lab: Conditionals and Branching

Learn about conditional expressions and if-statements

Introduction to Conditionals and Branching

Learn about conditional expressions and if-statements screencast


A WOD using expressions to generate a sales receipt.

Module: Conditional Expressions and Looping

Lab: Loops

Learn about conditional expressions and loop statements

Introduction to Conditionals and Loops

Learn about conditional expressions and looping screencast


Use a loop to generate a table of Smartphone products

Module: Collections: Objects and Arrays

Lab: Object and Arrays I

Learn About Collections and Simple Objects and Arrays

Simple Objects and Arrays

Learn about creating and using objects and arrays


Use a loop and arrays to generate a table of Smartphone products

Module: Functions

Lab: Using and Creating Functions

JAVASCRIPT functions

Javascript functions

Learn about creating and using Javascript functions


Use functions to generate an invoice of products

Module: Algorithms

Lab: Algorithms and Program Logic

Learn About Algorithms and Program Logic

Introduction to programming logic algorithms

Learn about conditional expressions and looping screencast


Check your understanding of algorithms.


Implement a change making algorithm

Module: HTML Forms

Lab: HTML Forms and Javascript

Using Javascript to process HTML forms

Introducing Form Processing

Learn about HTML form elements and processing with Javascript


Select from a table of Smartphone products and display order

Module: Server Side Processing

Lab: Server Side Form Processing and Web Applications

Using Javascript for web services

Module: Assignment 1

Assignment 1

Build a Simple Product Selection Application

Assignment 1 workshop

A workshop on building a Simple Product Selection Application

Deploying Assignment 1

How to Deploy your application on Google Cloud

E4: My Progress in Programming Essay

Write a technical essay summarizing your progress in programming.

Module: Debugging


Debugging Methodology and Methods

Module: File I/O

Lab: File I/O

Learn About File I/O

Introducing File I/O in Node.js

Introduction working with files in Node.js

Module: Assignment 2

Assignment 2

Build a Product Application with User Recognition

E5: Reflecting on Assignment 2

E5: essay reflecting on Assignment 2

Module: Cookies and Sessions

Lab: Cookies and Sessions

User data management with Cookies and Sessions

Module: Assignment 3

Assignment 3

Build an eComm site

Checkpoint Assignment 3

Progress check for Assignment 3

Presentation Assignment 3

Final Presentation Assignment 3

E6: Reflecting on Assignment 3

E6: essay reflecting on Assignment 3

E7: Reflecting on ITM352

essay on your experience in ITM 352