The objective of this WOD is to use a loop and arrays rather than eval() to generate a table of Smart Phone products

  1. Start by copying the SmartPhoneProducts2 into a new project. Check that the table displays properly.

  2. Create a new file products_data.js in the same directory as you are working here. NOTE: If you already have this file skip to step 3. Cut the product data variables in the <head> and paste it into this file. Add the following to the <head> to load this code when this page load the HEAD element:
    <script src="./products_data.js"></script>

    (Note this is similar to Exercise #5 in Lab 8)

  3. Convert the product variables into product information objects product1, product2, ..., product5 with properties image, brand, and price to hold the respective information about that product. You should use find and replace rather than manually rewriting the code. It’s possible to write a regular expression that will convert the product variables into objects all in one find and replace but it’s probably faster to use three separate regEx find and replaces :]

  4. Create an array called products to hold all the five product objects.

  5. Go back to products_display.html and write a loop to generate the table using the array and object defined above. The loop should not be “hard-coded” with the number of products and should work based on the number of product objects in the array. Hint: use for (i = 0; i < products.length; i++) or for (i in products) or for (product of products). Talk about which one you use and why.

The final display should look identical to SmartPhoneProducts2 and have no product evals() and no product information variables.

If you get stuck, ask the TA or Instructor for the screencast solution.

Rx: <7 min Av: 7-14 min Sd: 14-20 min DNF: 20+ min