Use HTML forms to select quantities from a table of Smart Phone products and display order

  1. Start by creating a Store1 project directory and copying all the files in SmartPhoneProducts3 and Invoice3 in this project directory. Check that products_display.html and Invoice.html display as expected.

  2. In products_display.html add textboxes with names quantity0, quantity1, quantity2, quantity3, quantity4 corresponding to the index of the product array in products. Also add labels “Quantity Desired” for these textboxes with id’s quantity0_label, quantity1_label, quantity2_label, quantity3_label, quantity4_label. You can do this by adding the HTML into the document.write() you have inside the loop. You may need to add some CSS to position the textbox and label properly in the <section>

  3. Add a submit button in the <footer> with value “Purchase”

  4. Put the <body> inside a form with action ./invoice.html using the GET method The resulting page should look something like this: Store1_display.PNG

  5. In invoice.html get the query string parameters using params = (new URL(document.location)).searchParams. Use a loop and params.get() to generate the quantities array.

  6. Test that you can select quantities and the invoice appears with the selected quantities (and errors) when you click the Purchase button. The resulting page should look like this:

Rx: <20 min Av: 20-30 min Sd: 30-40 min DNF: 40+ min