Use variables to output Smart Phone products

The goal of the WOD is to use variables to eliminate hard-coding the information for displaying products. We also want to separate the product data from the rest of the code to make it easier to maintain and change.

  1. Start by copying SmartPhoneProducts1. If you don’t have a working version of SmartPhoneProducts1 you can get a zip file with a copy here. You may also use any of the SmartPhoneProducts1 variants but you may find the spinning images annoying! Rename the folder SmartPhoneProducts1_variables, load the products_display.html page and check that the display is as in SmartPhoneProducts1. You may also use SmartphoneProducts1_1 if you prefer. NOTE If your images do not appear note that The image sources have moved to (you may have 090 and now it’s 080)

  2. In products_display.html add the following variables to the <head> to serve as the product data:
         let name1 = "HTC";
         let price1 = 40.00;
         let image1 = "";
         let name2 = "Apple";
         let price2 = 75.00;
         let image2 = "";
         let name3 = "Nokia";
         let price3 = 35.00;
         let image3 = "";
         let name4 = "Samsung";
         let price4 = 45.00;
         let image4 = "";
         let name5 = "Blackberry";
         let price5 = 10.00;
         let image5 = "";
  3. Find all the <h2> elements and replace them with <h2><script>document.write(name1)</script></h2>. It is suggested you find the elements using the regEx <h2>.*</h2>

  4. Find all the <p> elements and replace them with <p>$<script>document.write(price1)</script></p>.

  5. Find all the <img> elements and replace them with <img id="image1_id"><script>image1_id.src = image1;</script>.

  6. Now starting at the second <section>, change the variables from name1 to name2, price1 to price2, image1 to image2. Do the same for the subsequent sections but using the respective section number for the change e.g. in section 3 change the 1’s to 3’s.

  7. Create a file products_data.js in the same directory as products_display.html and add the line console.log("Product variables loaded...");. Cut and paste all the variable declarations from the <head> into this file. To load and execute the javascript in products_data.js change the empty <script></script> in the <head> to <script src="./products_data.js"></script>

  8. Verify that your display looks exactly like SmartPhoneProducts1 and that “Product variables loaded… appears in the console when the page loads.

You can view the screencast solution here if you get stuck.

Rx: <11 min Av: 11-20 min Sd: 20-30 min DNF: 30+ min