
GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere.

Read about GitHub, create a GitHub account, make a simple repository

After going though this introduction you should have a GitHub account which you will use to host repositories for classwork, assignments and your MIS portfolio (see the E0 Experience).

Get Git tools

GitHub has desktop and command line (terminal) tools you will need to manage your class repository and use in VS Code

When installing if it asks about Adjusting your PATH environment select the Use Git and optional tool from the Command Prompt option. Use the defaults for everything else.

After installation, open the Git Bash application (you may have to search for it in Spotlight or Explorer) and at the prompt set your Git username with the command (run from Git Bash). On the mac, it’s possible to just use the Terminal app rather than Git Bash.

git config --global user.name "USERNAME"

Where USERNAME is your GitHub username.

Next, set the email address associated with your Git account (again from Git Bash) with the command:

git config --global user.email "EMAIL"

Where EMAIL is the email address associated with your Git account.