
Your grade in this class will be based upon the following :

Course Component Percentage of Grade  
Experiential Learning 50%  
Assignments 50%  

Your cumulative number of points and your percentage of points out of all possible will be available to you throughout the semester.

For your final grade, I guarantee an A to all students with at least 90% of all possible points, a B to all students with points between 80-89%, and a C to all students with point between 70-79%. Depending upon the way the grading actually works out, I reserve the right to adjust the percentages downward (so, for example, it may turn out that 88% could be enough for an A), but I will never adjust the percentages upward. Thus, it is possible for everyone in the class to receive an A if everyone in the class earns at least 90% of all points. +/- grades are not given in ITM 352. Please don’t ask. However, extraordinary peformance will be given A+ at the instructors descretion.

Submitting Your Work

Unless specified otherwise, all assignment submissions, quizzes, etc. must be done though Laulima. This is also where you can view you grades as they become available. DO NOT EVER EMAIL ME WORK YOU EXPECT TO GET GRADED. I will certainly lose track of it and I cannot easily add it to Laulima for you. You are welcome to send me work you wish me to review or have questions on, but your actual submission should be to Laulima.

Laptop Policy

You must bring your laptop with XAMPP and NetBeans (or equivalent software) to EVERY class. If you have network access issues you are are responsible for acquiring the materials for class posted to the class web site before class begins.

Assignment Late Policy

Assignments are due at 11:59 p.m. of the assigned date. They may be turned in late, but they lose 20% each calendar day (or part thereof) that they are late. No assignment will be accepted more than four days late. Exception: If you submit your assignment on the due date but it is past the due time, you will lose only 10% for the first 8 hours. The 20% policy begins at 8:00 a.m. on the day after the due date.

Grade Appeals Procedure

Any appeal that you wish to make regarding a grade that you were assigned must be done so in writing. Please email the original work and an explanation why you believe your grade is in error. If it is worth your time to write the appeal, it is worth our time to consider it.

Grade Negotiations

At the end of the semester your grade will be assigned to you in a strictly objective manner empirically based on your aggregated scores. Grades therefore are never available for negotiation. Any student that “has to get an A” should use foresight and diligence to put forth the necessary attention and effort to achieve their desired goal.


Participation is more than just showing up. You must actually participate in the class; that means talking, asking questions, answering questions, doing the exercises, and being fully present. This also means coming to class prepared by having dome the pre-class lectures and experiential learnings.
Excessive absences from class may result in a decrease of a letter grade, or even a failing grade. Note: there is no way to “make up” for missing a WOD if you are absent from a class. The grading already leaves some leeway for missing a small number of classes due to necessity.

If you have any questions about the expectations or implications of this policy, please ask!