Module: Web Page Basics

Learn to design basic static web pages using HTML and CSS.


Learning Outcomes

Design using HTML and CSS

You can use HTML and CSS to design basic web pages, and you can use tools (VS Code, Chrome Developer Tools, Live Server) to do this development efficiently.


About HTML, CSS, and support tools

Links providing tutorials and reference material for: HTML, CSS, Google Web Fonts, Chrome Developer Tools and CSS Colors.

Athletic Software Development

An ‘athletic’ approach to software development education using Workouts of the Day.

How to watch screencasts the smart way

There is an art to watching screencasts effectively. Here are some heuristics.

Experiential Learning

Lab: Web Pages and Web Server Basics

Learn details of web servers and web pages, build simple e-comm web page

Web Page Basics

Introduction to user interface design using HTML and CSS and supporting tools.


Develop a web page using basic HTML.


Develop a web page using basic CSS and Google Web Fonts.


Develop a web page using Chrome Developer Tools.

E1: UI Basics Technical Blog

Write a technical blog summarizing your experience doing the UI Basics WODs and your WOD result.