Three examples useful for Assignment 3.

You can copy and paste the code in to VSCode to try these. You are welcome to use this code in your assignment but please do give a reference to what you use.

Example 1: A simple multi-page products navigation and display.

Note that this example does not require a custom server (unlike your Assignment 3). Much of the code will be simpler and easier to do on the server. Just be aware that you cannot copy this code into your server. The ideas are the same but it will be implemented a bit differently.

Save each of the items below in a file named at the top:

save as products.json
            "name": "small gumball",
            "price": 0.1
            "name": "med gumball",
            "price": 0.05
            "name": "large gumball",
            "price": 0.25
    "jawbreakers": [ 
            "name": "small jawbreaker",
            "price": 0.10
            "name": "med jawbreaker",
            "price": 0.15
            "name": "large jawbreaker",
            "price": 0.35
    "peanut butter cups": [
            "name": "small peanut butter cup",
            "price": 0.50
            "name": "med peanut butter cup",
            "price": 0.60
            "name": "large peanut butter cup",
            "price": 0.75

This code will load the JSON file of products data from the server and make it available in a web page. You may recall that we couldn’t just load the file as a src to a script tag. We had to save the data as javascript code. This is a better way to handle sharing data between the client and server. You could also generate the JSON on the server rather than have it hand over the file.

save as functions.js
// This function asks the server for a "service" and converts the response to text. 
function loadJSON(service, callback) {   
    let xobj = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xobj.overrideMimeType("application/json");'POST', service, false);
    xobj.onreadystatechange = function () {
          if (xobj.readyState == 4 && xobj.status == "200") {
            // Required use of an anonymous callback as .open will NOT return a value but simply returns undefined in asynchronous mode

// This function makes a navigation bar from a products_data object

function nav_bar(this_product_key, products_data) {
    // This makes a navigation bar to other product pages
    for (let products_key in products_data) {
        if (products_key == this_product_key) continue;
        document.write(`<a href='./display_products.html?products_key=${products_key}'>${products_key}<a>&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp;`);
save as index.html
<script src="./functions.js"></script> 
var products_data;
loadJSON('get_products_data', function(response) {
     // Parsing JSON string into object
     products_data = JSON.parse(response);
let this_product_key = ''
    Go to: <br>
<script> nav_bar(this_product_key, products_data);</script>
save as display_products.html
    <script src="./functions.js"></script>

        // get the query string
        let params = (new URL(document.location)).searchParams;
        if (params.has('products_key')) {
            let products_key = params.get('products_key');
        } else {
            document.write('no products key in query string');

        var products_data;
        loadJSON('get_products_data', function (response) {
            // Parsing JSON string into object
            products_data = JSON.parse(response);
    <script> nav_bar(products_key, products_data);</script>


    // This function takes a string assumed to be a key in the products array above to display and select the corresponding products
    let order_str = '';
    // get the particular products to display
    products = products_data[this_product_key];
    if (params.has('Submit')) {
        // grab the quantities from the query string
        order_str = 'Your order is:<br>';
        for (i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
            order_str += `You want ${params.get(`quantities[${i}]`)} of ${products[i]['name']}<br>`;
    } else {
        order_str += `<h1>Please select what ${products_key} you want</h1><br>`;
        // We put the whole table in the form so that anything entered in it will get submitted
        order_str += `
            <FORM action="" method="GET">
            <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="products_key" VALUE="${products_key}">
                <TABLE BORDER>
                    <TR><TD><B><BIG>Description</TD><TD><B><BIG>Price</TD><TD><B><BIG>Quantity Desired</TD></TR>`;

        for (i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
            order_str += `<TR><TD>${products[i]['name']}</TD><TD>${products[i]['price']}</TD><TD>
                <INPUT TYPE="TEXT"  name="quantities[${i}]"></TD></TR>`;
        order_str += `</TABLE><br>
<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT"  name="Submit" value="Select">
    } // this closes the else for the form and table display

Example 2: A simple shopping cart example.

Because the quantities are always taken from the session (i.e. the ‘cart’), this is also an example of using a session to make a form sticky.

Save this as display_products.html
    <script src="./functions.js"></script>
        var products_data;
        let total = 0;
        loadJSON('get_products_data', function (response) {
            // Parsing JSON string into object
            products_data = JSON.parse(response);
        loadJSON('get_cart', function (response) {
            // Parsing JSON string into object
            shopping_cart = JSON.parse(response);
            for (pk in shopping_cart) {
                total += shopping_cart[pk].reduce((a, b) => a + b);

        // get the query string
        let params = (new URL(document.location)).searchParams;
        if (params.has('products_key')) {
            let this_product_key = params.get('products_key');
        } else {
            document.write('no products key in query string');
        nav_bar(this_product_key, products_data);
<h2>You have <span id="cart_total">0</span> items in your shopping cart</h2>
    cart_total.innerHTML = total;
// This function takes a string assumed to be a key in the products array above to display and select the corresponding products
    let order_str = '';

    order_str += `<h1>Please select what ${this_product_key} you want</h1><br>`;
    // We put the whole table in the form so that anything entered in it will get submitted
    order_str += `<FORM action="/add_to_cart" method="GET">
                <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="products_key" VALUE="${this_product_key}">
                    <TABLE BORDER>
                        <TR><TD><B><BIG>Description</TD><TD><B><BIG>Price</TD><TD><B><BIG>Quantity Desired</TD></TR>`;
    products = products_data[this_product_key];
    for (i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
        order_str += `<TR><TD>${products[i]['name']}</TD><TD>${products[i]['price']}</TD><TD>
                    <INPUT TYPE="TEXT"  name="quantities[${i}]" value="${(typeof shopping_cart[this_product_key]!='undefined')?shopping_cart[products_key][i]:0}"></TD></TR>`;
    order_str += `</TABLE><br>
    <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT"  name="Submit" value="Select">

We add a server to handle the sessions to keep track of different users data when they go from page to page. We also use the server to provide “microservices” to give product info and session data.

Save the following as server.js
const express = require('express');
const app = express();

const session = require('express-session');
const products_data = require(__dirname + '/products.json');

app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
app.use(session({secret: "MySecretKey", resave: true, saveUninitialized: true}));

app.all('*', function (request, response, next) {
    console.log(`Got a ${request.method} to path ${request.path}`);
    // need to initialize an object to store the cart in the session. We do it when there is any request so that we don't have to check it exists
    // anytime it's used
    if(typeof request.session.cart == 'undefined') { request.session.cart = {}; } 
});"/get_products_data", function (request, response) {

app.get("/add_to_cart", function (request, response) {
    let products_key = request.query['products_key']; // get the product key sent from the form post
    let quantities = request.query['quantities'].map(Number); // Get quantities from the form post and convert strings from form post to numbers
    request.session.cart[products_key] = quantities; // store the quantities array in the session cart object with the same products_key. 

app.get("/get_cart", function (request, response) {

app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
app.listen(8080, () => console.log(`listening on port 8080`));

Example 3: Creating an invoice to both print and email (also example of node mailer component) example

app.get("/checkout", function (request, response) {
// Generate HTML invoice string
  let invoice_str = `Thank you for your order!<table border><th>Quantity</th><th>Item</th>`;
  let shopping_cart = request.session.cart;
  for(product_key in products_data) {
    for(i=0; i<products_data[product_key].length; i++) {
        if(typeof shopping_cart[product_key] == 'undefined') continue;
        qty = shopping_cart[product_key][i];
        if(qty > 0) {
          invoice_str += `<tr><td>${qty}</td><td>${products_data[product_key][i].name}</td><tr>`;
  invoice_str += '</table>';
// Set up mail server. Only will work on UH Network due to security restrictions
  let transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
    host: "",
    port: 25,
    secure: false, // use TLS
    tls: {
      // do not fail on invalid certs
      rejectUnauthorized: false

  let user_email = '';
  let mailOptions = {
    from: '',
    to: user_email,
    subject: 'Your phoney invoice',
    html: invoice_str

  transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, function(error, info){
    if (error) {
      invoice_str += '<br>There was an error and your invoice could not be emailed :(';
    } else {
      invoice_str += `<br>Your invoice was mailed to ${user_email}`;