
Try to do as many of the exercises as possible, in the order listed. You may skip an exercise if it is impossible to accomplish the task described (for technical reasons). If you have trouble with an exercise, contact the instructor for help – do not just skip the exercise! You may work with a partner, but each of you must submit your individual work. Work should be done electronically on this document (cut and paste as needed but be careful of incorrect characters). Anything that involves code should be tried out in VS Code before submitting (you may cut and paste directly from VS Code). Submit work before the next class. If you cannot submit by this time, try to do so as soon as possible.

You may wish to open the presentation slides for convenience of viewing and copy-paste. When asked by the instructor do the lab exercises indicated. If you get done early, feel free to go on. If you are not done before the instructor indicates the next exercise, raise your hand and explain where you are at. Later parts often depend on completing previous parts so do not let yourself get behind and expect to catch up!

Note: Whenever you see something like <Your Name> and it’s not obviously an HTML tag, it means replace this with you own information as indicated inside. e.g. replace <Your Name> with Joe (or whatever your name is).

For exercises that do not ask specific questions but have you perform tasks, copy any code you created and the output as your answer to the exercise. Some exercises ask for explanations. Make notes for your answer and complete these after class before submitting. Do not try to make complete answers if it keeps you from progressing!

Do all your code work in VS Code. Copy and paste from there. Please ask the instructor for help if you get stuck; this is NOT a test.


When we are done, submit work before the next class. If you cannot submit by this time, try to do so as soon as possible after class. Copy this lab with your answers and paste your into the Laulima assignment submission box to Laulima Assignments. If you do not submit something to Laulima you will not get credit.

Exercise 1. (total 10 minutes)

a. (5 minutes) Make a copy of the Invoice1 WOD. In the area where you define the product variables, create a Javascript object called product1 with attributes appropriate for the information that is used to display the invoice for the first product listed in the invoice. Set the properties for this product e.g. set productName to iPhone 7, set price to $47.95 etc. Put your product1 object code here:

b. Where ever you used variables for the product represented by product1, replace them with the corresponding object property. e.g. price1 may be product1.price or product['price']. You will need to make changes in the calculations and in the place the table is displayed. Put your code changes here:

c. (2 minutes) Show how you would change the quantity property in the product1 object to 0. Add this after the object definition and check that the invoice changes as expected. Put your new invoice output here:

d. (2 minutes) Show how you would add a new property to product1 called SKU# with value 1234. Put your example code here:

e. (2 minutes) Show how you would remove the SKU# property from product1. Put your example code here:

Exercise 2. (total 14 minutes)

a. (3 minutes) Declare a simple indexed array called product_quantities of quantities for the products listed in Invoice1 and put it above the product variable definitions. Put your array code here:

b. (3 minutes) Given the array specified in 1a above, use it to assign the quantity values for all the products rather than directly in the quantity variables and quantity property for product1. Put your code changed here:

c. (2 minutes) Show how you would print out the size (i.e. number of elements) of the array in 1a. Put your code example here:

d. (1 minute) Add a new element (another product quantity) to the end of product_quantities. Put your code here:

e. (1 minute) Show how you would delete the just added element in product_quantities. Put your code here:

f. (1 minute) Given your array in product_quantities above, explain what is wrong with the statement, and what the statement will, in fact, print:


Exercise 3. (8 minutes)

a. Create a new file Ex3a.html and copy the array product_quantities you used in Exercise #1 into this file. Use a for loop to iterate through the product_quantities array, printing each element in its own row of a table. The result should look something like:

Product #Quantity

Hint: inspect this page source and copy the HTML that made the table as a start.

b. Make a copy of Ex3a.html and name it Ex3b.html. Add the following code:

// array of all products
// corresponds to product_quantities array
// product_quantities[i] is the quantity for products[i]
products = [
 { 'name': 'small gumball', 'price': 0.02 },
 { 'name': 'medium gumball', 'price': 0.05 },
 { 'name': 'large gumball', 'price': 0.07 },
 { 'name': 'small jawbreaker', 'price': 0.06 },
 { 'name': 'large jawbreaker', 'price': 0.10 }

Modify your program to add name, prices, and extended costs columns to the table for products objects given the products array.

Put your code or a link to the code in your repo here:

Exercise 4. Using DOM objects dynamically (On Your Own)

Sometimes you will need to create and add DOM objects after the page is loaded. When you create a DOM object it will need to be added to the document node by inserting or appending (which is the same as adding it to the HTML hierarchy)

a. Copy Ex3b.html and name it Ex4a.html. Modify your program to append a new row to the table when the table is clicked on. Start by putting onclick="new_row = this.appendChild(document.createElement('tr'));" in the <tbody> element of the table to create and add a new row element to the table. After this, add new_cell = new_row.appendChild(document.createElement('td')); to add a cell element to the new row. Use the new_cell reference to set the innerHTML of the cell to xxx. Check that this works by clicking the table a few times. Now use a loop to add the same number of<td> objects to the new row object as the first row in the table. If you are in the tbody element, you can get the the number of cells in the first row of the table using this.rows[0].cells.length.

Put your code or a link to the code in your repo here:

Explain why you must work with the DOM objects rather than document.write() to change the page after it has been loaded: Hint: The page is the document DOM object which is a kind of a collection (like an array) of DOM objects. When the HTML is loaded, the HTML entities become DOM objects that are added to document.

b. Copy Ex4a.html and name it Ex4b.html. Now add <input type="button" value="Delete Last Row"> after the table. Write code in the onclick event attribute for this to delete the last row. Start by giving the tbody an id invoice_table. Then use this id and .rows.length to get the number of rows. Use this value and the .deleteRow() method of the tbody object to delete the row.

Put your code or a link to the code in your repo here:

c. Copy Ex4b.html and name it Ex4c.html. Above the table, Add the style tr:hover {background-color: yellow;} so you will see which table row is selected. If this row is clicked, have it delete this row. Change the Delete last row button to Add new row and make it add a new row when clicked. Essentially you are switching the behavior for clicking a row and clicking the button. There are several ways you can implement this. You should think this through carefully and implement it bit by bit testing each change along the way. Here is a suggested way:

Put your code or a link to the code in your repo here:


a. Create 3x3 indexed array TicTacToe (an array with 3 arrays as values where each array has 3 elements) with “X” or “O” in each of the 9 elements. Now print out an HTML table that displays the contents of TicTacToe. You must use two “for” loops. One loop to index the rows and another inside this loop to index the columns. The final product should look like:

x o x
o x o
x o o

b. Now initialize the array cells with the - string. Add the following styles

    td:hover {
        background-color: chartreuse;
    td {

Add a div under the table with id=status_div and the innerHTML X goes first. Define an array marks =["X","O"] and a variable move_num = 0. In the onclick for each <td> add code that first checks that this.innerHTML is -. If so, set this.innerHTML to marks[move_num%2]. Set status_div.innerHTML = marks[(++move_num)%2] + ' goes'. Have fun playing Tic Tac Toe!

c. (HARD!) When you set the mark in the table cell, also set the TicTacToe array for the element at the current row and column to marks[move_num%2] to keep track of what is in the cells. You can “flatten” the TicTacToe array into a strting using board_str = => e.join('')).join(''). Now define a regular expression const re = /^(?:(?:...){0,2}([OX])\1\1|.{0,2}([OX])..\2..\2|([OX])...\3...\3|..([OX]).\4.\4)/g which will match if there is a win in board_str (i.e. three in a row of either X or O). You can use win = re.exec(str) to check for a match. If there is no match, win will be null. If there is a match, win will be an array with the matching string in the first element and if it matched with “X” or “O” in one of the other elements. Use this and an if-else to determine if the game was won or a draw (use (move_num + 1) === 9 or board_str.includes('-')===false to determine that all moves have been made). If no win or draw, display who’s move it is as you did in (b).

d. (SUPER HARD!!) Make the computer play “O” by modifying the onclick so that after a move is made with “X”, you algorithmically determine the best place to put an “O” and put it there (in the array and in the table). To find the best move you can implement for following strategy:

i. Loop through the TicTacToe array and check if there is an open square that will be a win for O, if so, move there. If not, try step (ii).

ii. Check if there is an open square that would block a win for O in the next turn. You can do this b looping through the TicTacToe array and for each empty cell add an “O” and check if it’s a win for O. If so, move X there. If not, try step (iii).

iii. If no winning or blocking move is found, prioritize a move to an open square in this order - center, corners, edges. You can represent this as an array of indices for the TicTacToe array moveOrder = [[1,0], [0,0], [0,2], [2,0], [2,1], [0,1], [1,0], [1,2], [2,1]]; loop through this array and stop for the first empty square with an index in moveOrder and put X at that index.