Lab objectives


Try to do as many of the exercises as possible, in the order listed. You may skip an exercise if it is impossible to accomplish the task described (for technical reasons). If you have trouble with an exercise, contact the instructor for help – do not just skip the exercise! You may work with a partner, but each of you must submit your individual work. Work should be done electronically on this document (cut and paste as needed but be careful of incorrect characters). Anything that involves code should be tried out in VS Code before submitting (you may cut and paste directly from VS Code). Submit work before the next class. If you cannot submit by this time, try to do so as soon as possible.

You may wish to open the presentation slides for convenience of viewing and copy-paste. When asked by the instructor do the lab exercises indicated. If you get done early, feel free to go on. If you are not done before the instructor indicates the next exercise, raise your hand and explain where you are at. Later parts often depend on completing previous parts so do not let yourself get behind and expect to catch up!

Note: Whenever you see something like <Your Name> and it’s not obviously an HTML tag, it means replace this with you own information as indicated inside. e.g. replace <Your Name> with Joe (or whatever your name is).

For exercises that do not ask specific questions but have you perform tasks, copy any code you created and the output as your answer to the exercise. Some exercises ask for explanations. Make notes for your answer and complete these after class before submitting. Do not try to make complete answers if it keeps you from progressing!

Do all your code work in VS Code. Copy and paste from there. Please ask the instructor for help if you get stuck this is NOT a test.


When we are done, submit work before the next class. If you cannot submit by this time, try to do so as soon as possible after class. Copy this lab with your answers and paste your into the Laulima assignment submission box to [Laulima Assignment Lab:// If you do not submit something to Laulima you will not get credit.

In this lab we will use expressions to keep score and present game information.

Start by creating a Lab5 directory in your repo and add a copy of your SmartPhoneProducts1_2 project from Lab4 and rename it SmartPhoneProducts1_3. Start your http-server and load the products_display.html page then open the JS console in your browser.

Exercise 1: Precedence

Declare and initialize the following variables:

age =  <your age>

fav_num = <your favorite number>

day_of_birth = <calendar day of your birthday>

month_of_birth = <calendar month of your birthday>

a.     Write a program that will output the results for the following two expressions:

age + fav_num / day_of_birth * month_of_birth

(age + fav_num) / day_of_birth * month_of_birth

b. Explain why you get different values for the two expressions even they are nearly identical.

Exercise #2:     Implicit and Explicit Type Casting DNF > 3 minutes)

a) Use the console to inspect the expression 1.2 + "34" + 01067 * true and explain the steps in the evaluation of this expression that lead to the value 1.234567. What data type is this expression?

b) In the expression  1.2 + "34" + 01067 * true  explicitly cast the "34" to a number and also re-cast another value to fix the warning (if you got one). Explain why the expression now evaluates to 602.2. Did you get a warning? If so, explain why or why not.

Exercise #3:     Autoincrement and Autodecrement, unary operators and precidence

In SmartPhoneProducts1_3 let’s count the number of clicks (hits) and mouseovers (spins) and display these counts on the page:

a) Write a Javascript expressions that increases the hits and spins by one and add these to the onclick and onmouseover event attributes. Put these in the place so that the hit_span and spin_span update with the new values. Initialize hits and spins to 0. Reload the page and try clicking and mouseover the images.

Put your new code here:

b) Modify the above to use the ++ operator. Try using it before and after and explain why you get the same results:

c) Now use the ++ operator directly in the assignments of hits and spins to the innerHTML of hit_span and spin_span. Try both pre-increment and post-increment and explain the difference and which one is probably desired:

(note: the best thing to do in this exercise is to first try things and then explain the results)

d) Now use the ++ operator on hit_span.innerHTML and spin_span.innerHTML. Does it matter if you pre- vs post-increment? Explain why this works and one benefit of this approach:

Exercise #4:     Assignment operators

In SmartPhoneProducts1_3:

a. Use the += assignment operator on hit_span.innerHTML to increase the hits by 2 whenever there is an onclick. Explain why this doesn’t work and show how to fix it:

Revert your code to use the variables hits and spins to keep track of the clicks and mouseovers.

Exercise 5:    Assigning variables with expressions

Add the following paragraph after the the Hits and Spins spans:

<p>Hit/Spin:<span id="hit_spin_span">0</span></p>

a) Write a Javascript statement that assigns the expression hits_span.innerHTML/spins_span.innerHTML to the innerHTML of the hit_spin_span whenever <section> is clicked or mouseover. Should you explicitly cast things to Number data? Would it be better to use the variables hits and spins? Reload the page and try clicking and mouseover the <sections> Put your new code here and explain what the data types are and discuss the questions:

Exercise 6: Formatting floats

In SmartPhoneProducts1_3 use the toFixed() method for a Number to format the hits/spins for hit_spin_span to 2 decimal points. You can use this on the expression directly and do not need to create a new variable. Explain why the result is a String and put your code here:

Exercise 7 (on your own):    String expressions

In SmartPhoneProducts1_3:

a. Create variables first_name and last_name and assign your first and last name to these. Create a string expression via concatenation where your first name is Bold and your last name is in italics and both are in a VERY LARGE font. Use this expression where you display your name in the <header>. For example:

Dan Port's

Used Smart Phone Store

b. Use a string template to output a 2-column HTML table in the <footer> that looks like this:

Your One Stop For Used Phones - D.P.'s

Copyright @ Dan Port
3.11:15 AM

Start by inspecting this page source and find the <table> above and copy the HTML table source and use document.write() to output this as a string template using backticks \` rather than quotes.

In the table header for this string, replace D.P. with ${} and put inside an expression that uses []’s with first_name and last_name to create an expression to to display your initials ad Your One Stop For Used Phones - <initials>'s. Include periods after each initial and an ‘s after.

In the the first table row, replace Dan Port with a string template expression gives <first_name> <last_name> (don’t forget the space between the strings!). Above the document.write() add a variable line=1, then in the the first table row, replace 1. with a string template expression to indicate the current line number and increments line. Replace the line numbers in the other table rows with a string template expression to indicate the current line number and increment after.

Above the document.write() add a variable now = new Date(). The now variable will contain a Date object with the current date and time from the clock for where the javascript code is running (which for this exercise is a browser on your machine). Note that Date objects are “static” and now only gives the time when the assignment is made. It is not a “running clock”. Look up a reference to the Date object (e.g. look at W3 Schools) to find methods that would return the year and hours and minutes from the date stored in now. Use this in a string template in the second table row to replace 2021 with the current year.

On the third table row, replace 11:15 AM with a string template expression using the appropiate methods to get the current hours and minutes from now (a Date object). For the hours, use the expression (hours + 11) % 12 + 1 to convert 24-hour time to 12-hour time. To get the AM/PM, use the ternary expression (hours < 12)?'AM':'PM'. Before you use this expression, test that this expression gives AM for hours < 12 and PM for hours > 12. Be careful to note that the ternary operator ? has lower precedence than the + operator which may cause the expression not to evaluate to what you expect. Put your string template code here: